Sally's Shoppable Recipe
Preparation Time
10 mins
Cooking Time
18 mins
Serving Size
4 pax

1 pc PG Fresh onion white medium, sliced.
1 pc UFC laurel leaves 8g.
Banana leaves for wrapping.
500g MAGNOLIA chicken breast/ thigh fillet, sliced thinly into strips.
3 tbsp UFC Golden Fiesta Palm Oil 485ml.
2-3 tbsp EQUAL brown sugar 1/4kl
4 cloves PG Fresh garlic, crushed.
1 tsp LNC turmeric or luyang dilaw sliced into strips.
¼ tsp UFC cracked black pepper 30g.
¼ cup DATU PUTI Soy Sauce 340ml.
2-3 tbsp DATU PUTI Vinegar 350ml.


1. In a pan, put UFC Golden Fiesta oil and saute PG garlic, onion and LNC luyang dilaw for 2 minutes. Add MAGNOLIA chicken, UFC laurel and pepper. Stir fry for 5 minutes or until slightly dry.
2. Add DATU PUTI soy sauce, vinegar and EQUAL sugar. Simmer uncovered for 8 minutes or until sauce is reduced to almost dry. Set aside.
3. Heat up banana leaves over flame until soften. Cut into portions.
4. Scoop rice and place in banana leaf. Top with portion of chicken mixture. Wrap and serve.

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