6 mins + 1 hour marination
4 mins
2-3 pax
1 pc SEAKING Boneless milkfish unseasoned 520g
1 pouch MAMA SITA'S All Purpose Marinade 80ml
3 cloves GF Garlic, crushed
1/4 cup UFC Hapi Fiesta vegetable oil 200ml, for frying
1/4 tsp PURE BASICS black pepper, ground
2 cups Garlic fried rice
1 tbsp CBM Calamansi, freshly squeezed juice
2 pcs BOUNTY Fresh eggs, fried sunny side up
1. In a small stainless bowl, combine SEAKING bangus with Mama Sita’s All Purpose Marinade, GF garlic, CBM calamansi juice, and PURE BASICS ground black pepper. Mix well and marinate for 1 hour.
2. Heat pan, add UFC Hapi fiesta oil. Pan-fry the marinated bangus over medium heat until golden brown.
3. Remove from heat. Cut into half.
4. Serve hot with garlic fried rice and BOUNTY fried eggs.